
The effects of individuals can be modelled in OceanBioME. We have implemented this through custom dynamics in the Lagrangian Particle tracking feature of Oceananigans. We have extended these functionalities to make it easier to implement "active" particles which interact with the tracers. We have then implemented a model of sugar kelp which can be followed as an example of using this functionality.

To setup particles first create a particle type with the desired properties, e.g.:

using OceanBioME.Particles: BiogeochemicalParticles

struct GrowingParticles{FT, VT} <: BiogeochemicalParticles
    nutrients_half_saturation :: FT

    size :: VT
    nitrate_uptake :: VT

    x :: VT
    y :: VT
    z :: VT

You then need to overload particular functions to integrate the growth, so they need to first be imported:

import Oceananigans.Biogeochemistry: update_tendencies!
import Oceananigans.Models.LagrangianParticleTracking: update_lagrangian_particle_properties!

First, to integrate the particles properties we overload update_lagrangian_particle_properties!; in this fictitious case we will have a Mondo-quota nutrient uptake and growth:

using Oceananigans.Fields: interpolate

function update_lagrangian_particle_properties!(particles::GrowingParticles, model, bgc, Δt)
    @inbounds for p in 1:length(particles)
        nutrients = @inbounds interpolate(model.tracers.NO₃, particle.x[p], particle.y[p], particle.z[p])

        uptake = nutrients / (particle.nutrients_half_saturation + nutrients)

        particles.size[p] += uptake * Δt
        particles.nitrate_uptake[p] = uptake
    return nothing

In this example the particles will not move around, and are only integrated on a single thread. For a more comprehensive example see the Sugar Kelp implementation. We then need to update the tracer tendencies to match the nutrients' uptake:

using OceanBioME.Particles: get_node

function update_tendencies!(bgc, particles::GrowingParticles, model)
    @inbounds for p in 1:length(particles)
        i, j, k = fractional_indices((x, y, z), grid, Center(), Center(), Center())

        # Convert fractional indices to unit cell coordinates 0 ≤ (ξ, η, ζ) ≤ 1
        # and integer indices (with 0-based indexing).
        ξ, i = modf(i)
        η, j = modf(j)
        ζ, k = modf(k)

        # Round to nearest node and enforce boundary conditions
        i, j, k = (get_node(TX(), Int(ifelse(ξ < 0.5, i + 1, i + 2)), grid.Nx),
                   get_node(TY(), Int(ifelse(η < 0.5, j + 1, j + 2)), grid.Ny),
                   get_node(TZ(), Int(ifelse(ζ < 0.5, k + 1, k + 2)), grid.Nz))

        node_volume = volume(i, j, k, grid, Center(), Center(), Center())

        model.timestepper.Gⁿ.NO₃[i, j, k] += particles.nitrate_uptake[p] / (d * node_volume)
    return nothing

Now we can just plug this into any biogeochemical model setup to have particles (currently NPZD and LOBSTER):

using OceanBioME, Oceananigans

Lx, Ly, Lz = 1000, 1000, 100
grid = RectilinearGrid(; size = (64, 64, 16), extent = (Lx, Ly, Lz))

# Start the particles randomly distributed, floating on the surface
particles = GrowingParticles(0.5, zeros(3), zeros(3), rand(3) * Lx, rand(3) * Ly, zeros(3))

biogeochemistry = LOBSTER(; grid, particles)
LOBSTER{Float64} with carbonates ❌, oxygen ❌, variable Redfield ratio ❌ and (:sPOM, :bPOM) sinking 
 Light attenuation: Two-band light attenuation model (Float64)
 Sediment: Nothing
 Particles: 3 BiogeochemicalParticles with eltype Any and properties (:nutrients_half_saturation, :size, :nitrate_uptake, :x, :y, :z)
 Modifiers: Nothing