Air-sea gas exchange

We currently have one air-sea gas exchange model implemented. The model, proposed by Wanninkhof (1992), calculates the solubility of the gas in the water dependent on the temperature and salinity, and calculates the flux depending on the solubility and mixing from the wind.

Currently, the parameters for CO₂ and oxygen are included, but it would be very straightforward to add the parameters given in the original publication for other gases (e.g. inert tracers of other nutrients such as N₂). We also currently have a very simple formulation of the gas transfer velocity which depends on an average wind speed, but it would straightforwardly be expanded to permit variable wind speed (e.g. to simulate enhanced exchange from storms).

It is straightforward to set up a boundary as an air-sea gas exchange:

using OceanBioME

CO₂_flux = GasExchange(; gas = :CO₂)
FluxBoundaryCondition: ContinuousBoundaryFunction (::GasExchange{Val{:CO₂}, @NamedTuple{A::Float64, B::Float64, C::Float64, D::Float64}, @NamedTuple{A₁::Float64, A₂::Float64, A₃::Float64, B₁::Float64, B₂::Float64, B₃::Float64}, Float64, Float64, Float64, OceanBioME.Boundaries.pCO₂{@NamedTuple{C::Float64, invT::Float64, logCT::Float64, ClogT::Float64, T²::Float64, ST²::Float64, ST::Float64, S::Float64}, @NamedTuple{C::Float64, S::Float64, S²::Float64, invT::Float64, logT::Float64}, @NamedTuple{C::Float64, S::Float64, S²::Float64, invT::Float64, logT::Float64}, @NamedTuple{C::Float64, invT::Float64, invTsqrtS::Float64, invTS::Float64, invTS¹⁵::Float64, invTS²::Float64, sqrtS::Float64, S::Float64, logT::Float64, logTsqrtS::Float64, logTS::Float64, TsqrtS::Float64}, @NamedTuple{C::Float64, invT::Float64, logT::Float64, sqrtSinvT::Float64, sqrtS::Float64, sqrtSlogT::Float64, S::Float64}, Float64}}) at (Nothing, Nothing, Nothing)

Where the symbol specifies the exchanged gas (currently :CO₂ or :O₂). This can then be passed in the setup of a BGC model, for example:

using Oceananigans

grid = RectilinearGrid(size=(3, 3, 30), extent=(10, 10, 200));

model = NonhydrostaticModel(; grid,
                              biogeochemistry = LOBSTER(; grid, carbonates = true),
                              boundary_conditions = (DIC = FieldBoundaryConditions(top = CO₂_flux), ),
                              tracers = (:T, :S))
NonhydrostaticModel{CPU, RectilinearGrid}(time = 0 seconds, iteration = 0)
├── grid: 3×3×30 RectilinearGrid{Float64, Oceananigans.Grids.Periodic, Oceananigans.Grids.Periodic, Oceananigans.Grids.Bounded} on Oceananigans.Architectures.CPU with 3×3×3 halo
├── timestepper: QuasiAdamsBashforth2TimeStepper
├── tracers: (T, S, NO₃, NH₄, P, Z, sPOM, bPOM, DOM, DIC, Alk)
├── closure: Nothing
├── buoyancy: Nothing
└── coriolis: Nothing

Model equations

Gas transfer

The gas flux is given by:

\[F = k(C_w - \alpha C_a),\]

where $C_w$ is the concentration in the water, $C_a$ the concentration in the air, $\alpha$ the Oswald solubility coefficient, and $k$ the gas transfer velocity. For carbon dioxide the flux is modified to:

\[F = k\beta\rho_o(pCO_{2w} - pCO_{2a}),\]

where $pCO_{2w}$ and $pCO_{2a}$ are the partial pressure of carbon dioxide in the water and air, $\beta$ is the Bunsen Solubility Coefficient, and $\rho_o$ is the density of the water.

The gas transfer velocity is parameterised by the wind speed and Schmidt number, which in turn is parameterised by the temperature and salinity. The gas transfer velocity is given by:

\[k = 1.08\times10^{-6}u^2\left(\frac{Sc}{660}\right)^{-1/2},\]

where $u$ is the winds speed 10m above the surface, and Sc is the Schmidt number parameterised as:

\[Sc = A - BT + CT^2 - DT^3,\]

where $T$ is temperature in Kelvin and the other parameters are dependent on the gas type and given in Parameters.

The solubilities are given by:

\[\alpha = 0.00367 T \exp{A_1 + 100\frac{A_2}{T} + A_3 \ln{\frac{T}{100}} + S\left(B_1 + \frac{B_2}{T} + \frac{B_3}{T^2}\right)},\]


\[\beta = \exp{A_1 + 100\frac{A_2}{T} + A_3 \ln{\frac{T}{100}} + S\left(B_1 + \frac{B_2}{T} + \frac{B_3}{T^2}\right)},\]

where $S$ is salinity in practical units and the other default parameters are given in Parameters.

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide

We currently do not have the full OCMIP partial pressure formulation, instead we follow the simplified formulation (as used in Aumont et al. (2015)) where the partial pressure of CO$_2$ ($\mu$atm) in gas is found from:

\[pCO_{2a} = f_{CO_2}P_a,\]

where $f_{CO_2}$ is the air fraction (ppmv), and $P_a$ is the atmospheric pressure (atm). The ocean partial pressure ($\mu$atm) is derived from the dissolved inorganic carbon content, and alkalinity, as described by MacAladay (1998), from the equilibrium of the following chemical system:

\[\ce{CO_2(g)} \ce{<=> CO_2(aq)},\ K_0=\frac{[\ce{O_2(aq)}]}{\ce{pCO_2}},\]

\[\ce{CO_2(aq) + H_2O}\ce{<=> H^+ + HCO^-_3},\ K_1=\frac{\ce{[HCO^-_3][H^+]}}{\ce{[CO_2(aq)]}},\]

\[\ce{HCO^-_3} \ce{<=> H^+ + CO^{2-}_3},\ K_2=\frac{\ce{[CO^{2-}_3][H^+]}}{\ce{HCO^-_3}},\]

\[\ce{H_2O} \ce{<=> H^+ + OH^-}.\]

These have rates constants:

\[K_0 = \frac{[\ce{CO_2(aq)}]}{\ce{pCO_2}},\]

\[K_1 = \frac{\ce{[HCO^-_3][H^+]}}{\ce{[CO_2(aq)]}},\]


\[K_w = \ce{[OH^-][H^+]}.\]

In this system DIC and Alk are defined to be:

\[\ce{DIC} = \ce{[CO_2(aq)] + [HCO^-_3] + [CO_3^{2-}]},\]

\[\ce{Alk} = \ce{[HCO^-_3] + 2[CO^{2-}_3] + [B(OH)^-_4] + [OH^-] - [H^+] + [OH^-] \pm [minor species]}.\]

To solve this we must find the Boric acid dissociation from:

\[\ce{B(OH)_3 <=>H^+ + B(OH)^-_4},\ K_B = \frac{\ce{[B(OH)^-_4][H^+]}}{\ce{[B(OH)_3]}},\]

resulting in the equilibrium constant:

\[K_B = \frac{\ce{[B(OH)^-_4][H^+]}}{\ce{[B(OH)_3]}}.\]

Finally, taking the DIC and Alkalinity in micro equivalents (i.e. scaled by $10^{-3}/\rho_o$ from mmol C/m$^3$) denoted by $\bar{DIC}$ and $\bar{Alk}$, the carbonate alkalinity is given by $Alk_C = \bar{Alk} + [B(OH)^-_4] + [OH^-]$, and we define the boron content, $B$, to be $R_{B:S}S$ mol/kg.

The system can be rearranged to give two equations for the carbonate alkalinity:

\[\ce{Alk_C} = DIC\frac{K_1H + 2K^1K^2}{H^2 + K_1H+K_1K_2},\]

\[\ce{Alk_C} = \ce{Alk} - \frac{K_W}{H} - \frac{K_BB}{K_B + H}.\]

The equilibrium constants ($K_0$, $K_1$, and $K_2$) are given by:

\[K_0 = \exp{\left(A_0 + \frac{B_0}{T} + C_0\log(\frac{T}{100}) + S (D_0 - E_0T + F_0\left(\frac{T}{100}\right)^2)\right)},\]

\[K_1 = \exp{\left(A_1 - \frac{B_1}{T} - C_1 \log(T) - (D_1 + \frac{E_1}{T})\sqrt{S} + F_1S - G_1S^{1.5}\right)},\]

\[K_2 = \exp{\left(A_2 - \frac{B_2}{T} - C_2 \log(T) - (D_2 + \frac{E_2}{T})\sqrt{S} + F_2S - G_1S^{1.5}\right)},\]

\[K_b = \exp{\left(\frac{A_b - B_b\sqrt{S} - C_bS + D_b S^{1.5} - E_bS^2}{T} + F_b + G_B \sqrt{S} + H_b S - (I_b + J_b \sqrt{S} + S) \log(T) + L_b \sqrt{S} T\right)},\]

\[K_w = \exp{\left(A_w + \frac{B_w}{T} + C_w \ln T + \sqrt{S}\left(D_w + \frac{E_w}{T} + F_w \ln T\right)G_w S\right)}.\]

We solve these equations iteratively from an initial guess of $pH=8$ to find $H$, from which the partial pressure of $CO_2$ is calculated as:

\[pCO_2 = 10^6\frac{Alk_CH^2}{K_0(K_1H + 2 K_1K_2)}\]

Parameter variable names

Gas transfer

SymbolVariable nameUnits
$A$, $B$, $C$, $D$schmidt_params-
$A_i$ and $B_i$ for $i\in[1, 2, 3]$solubility_params-

Partial pressure of carbon dioxide

SymbolVariable nameUnits
$L_0$ where $L$ is a Latin charactersolubility-
$R_{B:S}$boron_ratiomol B / psu
$\alpha$thermal_expansion1 / °K
$\beta$haline_contraction1 / psu